Fiber Laser Cleaning Safety Face Shield with Hard Hat - 440

SKU: 100-62-440

Sale price $389.00

Meets ANSI Z89.1-2009 Standards, Type I, Class C (conductive), G (general), and E (electrical).

Offers high-performance impact and penetration protection (for crown only).

Constructed from ABS material, this hard hat combines strength and rigidity.

Fiber Laser Cleaning Visor protects against listed OD specifications.

Filter specifications permanently engraved.

Technical Specifications

Optical Density

OD 5+ @ 190-399nm
OD 2+ @ 400-480nm
OD 2+ @ 750-1900nm
OD 3+ @ 800-1800nm
OD 5+ @ 830-1700nm
OD 6+ @ 1064nm
OD 5+ @ 10,000-11,000nm

Visible Light Transmission




LSOs (Laser Safety Officer) need to consider working environments, viewing conditions and beam delivery systems when making assessments and determining the correct laser glasses , goggles, barriers, or windows to protect against potentially hazardous laser radiation. Do not operate lasers without correct protective equipment and training.  All laser safety glasses and goggles are made for indirect viewing only.

Common Laser Applications

Fiber Laser Cleaning
General Region of Laser Protection

ANSI Z136.1

 All our laser glasses meet or exceed the United Stated industry standard ANSI Z136.1, the requirements for use with the appropriate laser systems.

More about ANSI Z136.1 and EN207

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